LUNA'S CASTLE is finally a visual art gallery, and from what we have been told by travelers, one of, if not the best hostel ever visited! So if your ever in Panama....please check it out!
All the paintings are complete and hanging on the walls in every room, dorm, common area, hallway, nook and cranny etc. In all, there are over 130 paintings from Corinna and I ranging in size from a few inches up to 4 feet by 8 feet. The concept from the beginning was to plaster the walls with as much work as possible and as good a quality as possible with the most diversity as possible. We've done that, aside from the new private rooms that have only 1 large piece in each room to keep them a bit more calming.

Corinna even made sure the lighting was right with custom panels on every light throughout the Castle.

While I recycled some of the waste to hang these garbage girls around the place.

Luna's Castle is massive, 4 floors, and complete with a full chef kitchen, movie theatre, 2 large common areas, a 20+ seating dining hall, overhead balcony, hammock breezeway, open courtyard, dorm rooms, private rooms and soon... a standing only bar in our dungeon. In total, there are 16 different accommodation areas, and Corinna custom made a different, hand-painted signs for each and every room.Here are a few pictures to give you an idea of what is going on here overall.

It is hard to truly capture the scope of this project as it's such a gigantic place.
As well, here are the last 5 paintings I completed in the last 2 weeks.

Painted the day of the January 20th, 2009 Inaugeration- 16 hours straight.

THANK YOU everybody for your support and taking the time to see my work!
See you soon
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