Controversy and sex sell. I have a girlfriend, so here's the other.
$700,000,000,000 -bailout
divided by 400 (approx.) the # of paintings I have at my disposal
equals $1,750,000,000 which is the price I would have to sell each painting for, to cover this soon-to-be-bigger mess than it already is.
After 3o hours of work, this painting tells a lot.
So this painting is only $100,000.00. It is "for sale" and we figure it is one hell of a screaming deal for that lucky person with a significantly smaller amount than $700,000,000,000, who wants a non-polluting, emission-free, tangible investment sure to become a valuable short-term and long-term reward.
Barely chump change for the right buyer and I guarantee I will personally deliver it to you anywhere, worldwide to ensure it's safe, mortgage-free, no-catch arrival at your doorstep.
If nearly everyone in the world didn't bite the baitless mortgage/loan/finance/economic money hook the savages threw in when life was cherry, no one would be in this position and we would never be on the brink of....wait for it..........
on a bigger, badder, more serious scale than any point in recent history..........
Here it comes!!!!!!!
When this economic situation has leveled out, millions of people worldwide will be affected. They will be forced to think about business differently, view issues far more creatively, see one another on a more empathetic level. People will find new creative outlets to live the new way they may have never experienced.
There IS more to life than money.
Many people associated with penthouse suites, stock markets, 10 bedroom homes, global portfolios, Armani suits(trademark), board meetings, Rolex(trademark), 3 meals out, triple Manhattan martinis, diamond cuff links, day trading, Rolls-Royce (trademark), and 7am-6pm forget to view the world from an angle other than standing atop a stack of 100's.
Creativity is a vast interconnected energy that once tapped into will bring about new, exciting patterns, freedoms, realities and truths.
Creativity, once accepted and utilized is uplifting, entertaining, rational and persistent.
Everyone has it in them, some just forgot to follow this path.
Think outside the box
Don't eat money even if it's all you have
and the above painting.
Here are the other piece I have created in the last 2 weeks. ENJOY!

"A SOUND INVESTMENT" - 48" x 72" - Acrylic on wood panel - SOLD

"The WISE INVESTOR" - 48"x24" - SOLD

"The BUSINESS PARTNER" - 48" x 24" - Acrylic on wood panel - SOLD

"RELEASE DATE - Sept 2oth #1" - 36"x48" - Acrylic on wood panel - SOLD

"RELEASE DATE - Sept 2oth #2- 36"x48" - Acrylic on wood panel - SOLD

"RELEASE DATE - Sept 2oth #3- 36"x48" - Acrylic on wood panel - SOLD

"BEING NEAR" - 32"x48" - Acrylic on wood panel - SOLD

"CLOSE COMFORT" - 24"x48" - Acrylic on wood panel - SOLD
On another note, I caught a scorpion.......

Peace and good luck,
Daniel Poisson
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