I am far from my home in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada right now. I am in Collingwood, Ontario, Canada. I am leaving Canada in 10 days to begin a thrilling painting adventure in Panama City, Panama. Corinna Haight (my girlfriend) and I will be painting as much work as we can for some very awesome people in Panama... a very awesome place. I can not stop dreaming of and visualizing the changes, influences and inspirations that will come to my artwork once again.
I am an artist who is very driven by changing scenery, however I do not paint scenery. I am driven by my surroundings and travels, however, I rarely paint my surroundings. I am also driven by new people, new outlooks, and new societies. These I paint.
I paint whatever comes from my mind, however it comes out and the outcome differs from week-to-week or day-to-day. Sometimes, as you see here in these images, I produce something that I really like, which in turn inspires me to produce another piece of work similar. I often start my bodies of work this way, accidentally, by flowing into it from the process of production alone. I produce a lot of work from quick sketches to multi-day, detailed pieces.
I go by feel, as it is the way I found my passion and it is the way I will grow with it. These are 4 of the 20 or so pieces I have done in watercolour and ink since I have arrived in Ontario 3 weeks ago. If one needed to categorize the works into style, there would be 4 styles, but I don't care to label them. Only 1 style is seen here. All works are on paper and behind glass.
Daniel Poisson
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