If your head is attached to someone elses, you do not possess the ability to think for yourself, or you are too comfortable to think outside any other box....DO NOT READ ON!

The older I get and the more knowledge I accumulate, the greater I feel like being away. Away in my own perfect place. Utopia, it is sometimes called I am sure, but not some fake place with perfect people and only good sense. I mean this in no negative ways to the people who understand me or love me. I mean this in no negative way to people who don't understand or don't try to "get it". It's just that I read a lot. I think a lot. I consume newspapers, books, literature, manuals, periodicals, magazines, brochures, signs etc. etc. I watch people. I listen, selectively sometimes, but I do listen. What I see and what I hear are not overly stimulating to the creative mind. The older I become the greater I understand myself, feel wonderful about it and struggle with the acceptance of those people, places, ideas, and beliefs so skewed towards......TV....let's just call it......if you get what I'm saying you get it. It not just "TV".

Like how did we ever come to the point where gnomes, trolls and elves no longer exist?

I mean the passion to love. The passion to create without changing others. The passion to be confident....alone and move others. The passion to be. The passion to understand.

Love those who love themselves.
Teach those who do not love how to love....something. ANYTHING! Anything positive
Try your best.
Give when you do not want to give and take when you need to.
Be the best....your best. Think of being the best.
Work hard at whatever you do.
Respect everything
Protect your love
Watch out for Mother nature
Think for yourself
question authority!
Expect nothing
Appreciate everything
Be yourself
Follow Your Passion!!!

Daniel - I am loving your work right now! Doti
The only thing that ever stays the same is change. So when comfort becomes the only thing change will surely follow. That change can never be know unless allowed to happen. Seek change.
Follow Your Passion!
Real Freedom is Real Change.
The Professor
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